Monotch joins NordicWay 3 programme
18 Apr 2021[Project]
Innovating C-ITS for Sweden
As a new member of the Swedish consortium, Monotch introduces its wealth of C-ITS user experience and innovative applications to the mix. Renowned for connecting data, transactions, and services within the mobility ecosystem, Monotch is the chosen supplier for the Dutch Urban Data Access Platform (UDAP) data link. This role underscores their prowess in handling data from intelligent roadside systems to enhance road authority communications.

A strategic role in Nordic collaboration
Monotch’s participation in NordicWay 3 centres on expanding the Swedish data exchange network. Gary Lin, a forward-thinking International Business Developer at Monotch, sees this as a golden opportunity to refine and tailor their TLEX platform to meet the unique demands of the Swedish ecosystem. This endeavour will leverage Monotch’s insights from C-ITS implementations in the Netherlands and integrate C-Road standards to elevate the platform’s functionality under diverse new specifications.
Innovating for a connected future
Monotch’s ambition within the NordicWay 3 programme is to enhance the TLEX platform by infusing it with new functionalities and interfaces. This innovation aims to support extensive C-ITS deployment across the Nordic countries. Monotch’s proactive engagement in working groups, including the Exchange of Nodes and Traffic Signals, showcases its commitment to sharing knowledge and expertise garnered from global ITS projects, setting the stage for impactful developments.
Towards a seamless C-ITS ecosystem
The journey from research to C-ITS deployment in NordicWay 3 represents a collaborative effort to facilitate seamless communication among vehicles, infrastructure, and operators, ensuring road safety and information flow across the Nordic nations. This initiative reflects a unified vision for a scalable and interoperable C-ITS framework. It also emphasises privacy, security, and data governance, thereby laying the groundwork for operational excellence and a future of integrated mobility solutions.
Monotch’s strategic involvement in NordicWay 3 amplifies its role in advancing smart mobility solutions and highlights its dedication to creating safer, more efficient, and sustainable transportation networks. With an eye on the future, Monotch stands at the forefront of transforming how we think about and engage with mobility in the Nordic landscape and beyond.