We make traffic talk

Our platform is the proven foundation for connected mobility and digital infrastructure

[ 01 / about us ]

We speak the ever-changing language of mobility

We translate status into flow and traffic into progress. Every turn promises opportunities. Every corner allows movement. We keep moving because standing still is not in our vocabulary.

We are always looking for new improvements, especially in the solutions we offer our customers. We break data silos and fluently speak the international data language of mobility. Allowing different objects, organisations, and individuals to exchange data is the essence of our business. We are the driver and the navigator in the dialogue of everything on, next to, and in control of the road—the architects and authors of moving forward.

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[ 02 / For who? ]

We work for reputable organisations

Cities and regions

Improve accessibility, safety and sustainability while facilitating real-time traffic management

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Road authorities

Urban and interurban areas will benefit from a more efficient and safer flow of all traffic

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ITS Industry

Working together and creating partnerships to shape the future of the mobility ecosystem

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[ 03 / What we offer ]

With TLEX, you lay the proven foundation of digital infrastructure and connected mobility

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Proven at large-scale

Plug-and-play interoperability

Most complete functionality in the market


[ 04 / What TLEX does ]

Take mobility to the next level while making it safer, more efficient and more sustainable

Discover use cases

Connect roadside equipment and road users

Use the cellular network via in-vehicle systems and smartphone apps to allow intelligent objects to communicate directly and with ultra-low latency via our platform.

Bi-directional and real-time data exchange

Make traffic talk and actually have a dynamic dialogue with its surroundings. Send and receive information and react or get reactions in time to take traffic to the next level.

Quality & Security

We ensure you get the best quality and security by using our platform. We’re proud that there has never been downtime or breach since our launch in 2016.


We give you fine-grained control of who can do what. Whether it’s about who can produce or consume or about having static or dynamic conditions, TLEX has you covered.

Extensive dashboarding and reporting

We provide powerful dashboards and insights for all stakeholders, as well as governed listener interfaces and metadata-export, so you can monitor performance, continue refining your policies, and drive important results.

Everything dynamic is potentially a source of data you can connect to. The scale is unlimited, so long as it is standardised, and the data source owner is willing to share that with others.
Caspar de Jonge Senior Executive Intelligent Transport Systems, Smart Mobility, Smart Cities ‐ Dutch Ministry for Infrastructure & Water Management
With the largest C-ITS rollout in the world – Flanders and the Netherlands together – we have shown that it is possible. The implementation is live and scalable. The route has been explained, and the architectures are available.
Wim Vandeberghe Expert C-ITS and CCAM ‐ Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer (Flemish Road Authority)
TLEX has advanced Tampere's smart city innovation, which in the near future enable us to make real-time, data-driven decisions that significantly boost the efficiency and safety of our urban environment.
Mika Kulmala Project Manager ‐ Tampere City (Finland)
If you, as a road authority, want to be prepared for the future (and be able to communicate with autonomous vehicles), then the implementation of a central C-ITS system is imperative.
Bart Lowyck Program Partner Management for Mobilidata  ‐ Imec (Research Institute)
Connecting all (existing) intelligent traffic equipment is essential. It provides transparency and stimulates market initiatives, preventing government, cities and road authorities from being dependent on one specific party.
Vincent Habers Director General Mobility – Mobility and Areas, Team Data and Services ‐ Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
Digital tracking of vehicles for roadworks provides a valuable source of real-time and reliable data, contributing to the safety of road workers and road users, an important ambition for Mobilidata.
Erika Decorte Mobilidata Program Leader ‐ Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer (Flemish Road Authority)